Google Drive it’s an online file cabinet where you can store documents and other digital files. You can upload a file into Google Drive from your home computer, then open your Drive on your work computer, cell phone, or any other computer, and get into that same file. It’s accessible from wherever you have Internet.
It is a place to store and make things, which make it easier for students to do, share, and communicate about a certain topic, and easier for the teacher to collect and grade the data which is accessible faster and easier.
Google Forms are used for assessments and sign-up sheets to lesson plans and data collection,so it can be used to collect, analyze, and organize information in many ways. Teachers can use Forms to build quizzes and surveys, and many classroom tasks, such as managing assignments, collecting student feedback, writing book reviews, and collaborating on group projects.
Webinars are an online meeting that combines some kind of educational presentation or training on the Internet. It is a one-way presentation of the instructor or speaker to the participants. They are inexpensive and easy to access what makes learning and getting information easier and available from any place in any topic.
Blogs are a space to share our successful projects, ideas, resources, or exchange our best teaching practices, lesson ideas, or classroom management strategies.
On Blogs we can post, read and get resources and ideas from others' posts.
It increases the creativity and the ability to read and write too.

Padlets share notes, warm up activities to brain storms, students can reflect through it, and its beneficial for students to share and read for each others which leads for more interaction and sharing.
Posters are beneficial to show our ideas in a clear simple way in order to provide the visual concentration for the speaker and the audience. It is a good way to focus on the main points when we have short time to present our ideas, and we can use it several times and present it in different events too. is a helpful tool for analyzing and measuring the success of the tasks that we ask the students for, by choosing the subject and the categories that suits our objectives form the task in an easy manner.
Webquest is a lesson that requires an internet search, where the teacher uses it to make students search easier and safer by providing the links directly within the tasks.
Working on webquests keep students on track with what is going on, and makes group work easier by sharing it and working together, or checking any changes other mambers in the group have made.
Active inspire is an interactive program that helps the teacher to explain the lesson and make students do different kinds of exercises using variety of tools that match students interests and levels of thinking.
It is an interesting tool to be used in classroom by applying several tricks to engage students and make them exited for learning.
Kahoot is a friendly website that gives teachers the ability to create quizzes and surveys about any subject area, and they can use ready made Kahoots too. Students then the capability to answer questions through a variety of devices and using colors and shapes to connect to the answer.It tracks student achievement by looking at what the student did during the Kahoot, as well as overall achievement while logged in.
webinars is the fastest and the simplest way to get experience in your domain in short time by watching online webinars
ReplyDeletePresenting a topic through a poster is a professional strategy to do. Being able to specify the main points and state them with some figures and images for clarification show how much you understand the topic. It is beneficial to use posters in our learning-teaching process and to let others depend on in their projects and studies.