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''I am Dana, an English Language teacher and a Master student at the Lebanese International University.
I love reading, kids, and teaching, and I hope that you'll find some interesting topics in my page and enjoy reading what I share...''

Friday, March 23, 2018

Language in early ages

Language is an essential component in our everyday life and we use it for many purposes, and the main purpose is for communication to express ideas, thoughts, opinions, and ask for our needs.
Teaching language starts from the very early ages even though we are unconscious that we are teaching it in many of our talks and behaviors.
But we need to be more aware of better ways in which children become effective speakers, listeners, readers, and writers, because of the essential role of language of teaching language as a system of symbols by which we categorize, organize, and clarify our thinking that enables children to acquire the oral language and use it effectively in a variety of settings as well.
Children’s communicative competencies involve receptive language that refers to the child’s comprehension of words, and expressive language that develops during social interactions.
When children are acquiring language, they are developing five aspects of language knowledge that refers to a specific domain of language knowledge,(Phonetic knowledge, Semantic knowledge,Syntactic knowledge, Morphemic knowledge, and Pragmatic knowledge),but do not isolation from each other.

Furthermore, these five aspects of language can be categorized into three levels: linguistic that represents the usage level of the language, metalinguistic level when children become more aware of the five aspects of language knowledge and can consciously manipulate and reflect on features of language, and metalinguistic verbalization is the most conscious and complex level of language knowledge and occurs when children begin to verbalize their metalinguistic knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. This is an important topic to talk about, where as you said the language that is with five aspects and categorized into three levels is a mean to express feelings, opinions and needs.. It is a tool to communicate with others and teach the language at early ages.
