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''I am Dana, an English Language teacher and a Master student at the Lebanese International University.
I love reading, kids, and teaching, and I hope that you'll find some interesting topics in my page and enjoy reading what I share...''

Friday, March 23, 2018

Learning Language..

Learning a second language is different than any other subject, because our minds need to think and match what we are getting, with concrete things around it to get the right knowledge, and our brains will work in processing the input data to have more output for the language.
Krashen believed that we can give the child the input of a language, and leave him to be ready to use it by himself, while Dornyei disagreed in the Explicit versus Implicit knowledge debate and said that students need a push to use the language.
Dornyei argued that implicit (indirect) learning through natural acquisition is not enough to gain the correct knowledge of a language, and a student needs to get the language explicitly through direct formal education too.
Under this debate Swan says that language teaching doesn’t mean only teaching language, but also exposing the learner to the opportunity to use the language fluently and appropriately, since using the language is our target from learning it.
For Schmidt, ‘’noticing’’ is the process that transmits ‘’input’’ language to ‘’intake’’ through learning from the teacher and acquiring by the learner practicing, it is the process that makes from quantity of gained knowledge an infinite knowledge to be used.

1 comment:

  1. I like this topic! one year ago, i started learning new language, I have memorized a lot of vocab, verbs, sentences but tell know I found it hard converse orally, it's true that exposing learners to the opportunity to use the language fluently.
